Start-Up Rules + Free Poster Printable

Want to grab a copy of the rules of the Game poster? It's yours for free (in A4 and Letter sizes) - coz I'm thoughtful like that ;)

Starting a business, of any kind is a huge leap. Whether you call yourself and entrepreneur, a creative, a maker or a hustler, getting comfortable in your new skin can be a challenge. It's a twisty turny road that really does take equal parts grit, trust and flow to travel along.

I recently re-launched my website in what feels like a true "coming out" for me. It was a culmination of a few years of learning and growth, of just getting out there and doing it. It marked an arrival at a point of confidence and sense of place in my own business. But it wasn't like this when I first started out.

I was thinking about some of the most common themes, feelings, and lessons that I have experienced in my own journey, and I shared these with a group of business besties in one of my favorite Facebook Groups.

Their feedback was wonderful and many of them expressed how much they hit home for their own personal start-up experience. So I thought I would share them more widely in a blog post.

I hope that in some way, these help/inspire those of you who are in the start-up phase of your own hustle!


How to Play and Win at your Entrepreneurial Hustle.


1. Keep doing the work

It will always take longer than you expect to come to fruition. But - it will pay off.

2. Don't expect to know the outcome

Business, like life, constantly changes - it's also known as growth. Don't expect to know everything about how your business might go. Start with what you can to make money as soon as possible and then build on your world domination plans from there.

3. Do keep searching for the big answers

Definitely keep on searching for answers to big questions and get into personal development...but recognise when these are serving as a crutch and are becoming counterproductive for you. Then - see point 1.

4. The Thing about the $

When you first start up, you probably won't make as much money as you did in your previous career (think about how long it took you to get to your last highest salary mark). Be OK with that and don't let that tempt you back to the dark side. There is so much more reward beyond the weekly paycheck.

5. Run Your Own Race

Don't compare your beginning point with someone else's end/middle point. Just do you - where you are now, is exactly where you need to be! 

6. It's OK to change your mind

It's OK to change your mind, and then change it back again, and again.... just make sure it's for the right reasons!

7. Trust Yo Gut

Instincts that is. Listen to all the advice and then do what feels right for you and your own business. The buck (literally) stops with you.

8. Know where yo Money at

Know where your money is going. Kinda practical, but regularly check through your statements to see what you're paying for that may no longer serve you - think subscriptions to tech products, memberships etc! Every penny counts - even more so at this phase.

9. Have a business bestie

Like an actual living, breathing human being. Your "furchild" does not count - sorry! Make it part of your business operations to catch up with them on the reg. Share the ride.

10. Plant your flag

Don't be scared to plant your flag - you can't be everything to everyone, but you can be something to someone! Go be that!