Annie Livia Brand

Annie is a California based water color artist and creative goddess. Bringing moonscapes and magic together with a stroke of her watercolor brush, we wanted to evoke celestial magic in Annie's personal brand.

A Brand inspired by La Luna

The first concept for Annie's brand was very much celestial inspired. Using a special character 'A' and 'L' as the standout elements of her logo and watermarks.


This brand is a work in progress and I can't wait to see what path we go down. 

In the meantime, if you want to follow Annie's beautiful work, you can catch her on her Instagram feed here. It's absolutely gorgeous.

Annie's mood board was a watery blend of moody blues and dusky pinks, with flecks of metallic and a nod to the celestial.

The second concept payed true homage to Annie's skills as a water color artist, we used blended watercolor inks to anchor her monogram.